Write a Resume that Attracts Prospective Employers

Tips to Write Resumes that Attract Prospective Employers

A resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is a professional pen portrait of you. It is a major part of the ‘first impression’ you are going to have in your next interview call. A resume or CV can therefore make or break the ‘chance’ you are looking for. With the cutthroat competition everywhere, getting jobs, internships, admissions, or even freelance work is not a cakewalk. That is why you must consider availing of resume writing services along with cover letter writing services from reputed content agencies and experts in the area. Are you looking for tips for your resume to attract prospective employers?

As they say, ‘well begun is half done,’ and if you are looking for a potential hire, then to win the race, the focus should be on not just your personality or background but also the resume you present that stands out, projecting your unique attributes. As the resume is a mirror image of a professional you, it has to be erect and upright to help you grab the opportunity for which it advocates before potential employers.

A well-structured and honest resume suggests a positive trait of the abilities and proper management in you. Learn tips on how to make your resume stand out with no experience. Also, it tells the potential hirers that you are serious about the job, and the interviewer should take you seriously.

Resume present you differently in your next interview call

Resume present you differently in your next interview call
Resume present you differently in your next interview call

If you want your resume to stand out then continue reading the following 10 effective ways to present you differently in your next interview call.

1. Use Of Professional Format

The format, language, and manner in which a resume is written should remain professional to capture the attention of the hirer. CNBC explains the unique features and attributes of a professional CV. It is the basic and most important point that you can’t miss. There are several formats you can choose from but if you can’t think of one then the APA format is always a go-to. Keep your resume brief and decent. A long and fancy resume might irritate the potential employer. Here are some tips on CV structures that you should keep into consideration:

  • The golden rule is to stick to Arial or Times New Roman font with size 12;
  • Keep the font type, size, and margins uniform throughout.
  • Try to keep it black and white, but if want to colour-coordinated CV, go for the light and decent shades only;
  • Don’t forget to put your contact information and date on your resume.

2. Less is More

A resume is an extended version of the professional you. Therefore, professionalism must be reflected in your resume. The employers will have too many options more than you have. Therefore, to get attention and a job, your CV must speak volumes about you in the limited space, time, and resources used. The use of bullets, tables, and notes can sort it out by presenting information in an organized manner. Also, this gives the potential employer a chance to get to know you well without reading much about you.

3. Specify the Objectives Clearly

A specified objective, in brief, should be the starting point. The objective must match the industry and the job position for which you are looking for an opportunity. A short, simple, and indicative objective can catch attention quickly. Also, you should be aware of resume revision tips to help get you noticed by potential employers.

4. Organize Educational Details/Qualifications

Educational details and qualifications are a very important part of your resume. They will suggest your capabilities based on academics and knowledge and their relevance to a potential job position. You must mention the following:

  • Mention qualifications in the proper order of year of completion;
  • Specify the marks/grades and the names of the institutes and the boards;
  • Instead of writing in a paragraph, making a table or pointer is the better option.

5. Big No to Grammatical Errors

English is the language of the office culture globally. Office work and interactions are done in the same and perfection must be maintained for that. Any grammatical error in your CV suggests your weak hand on the same. Well, a structured CV without grammatical errors will speak for your proficiency in English. No matter how much you claim about your language skills in your resume, a poorly written resume will indicate a loophole and become the most noticeable lacunae.

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6. Include Evidence to Support Your Worth

All the skills, achievements, and work experience that you have mentioned in your resume should be supported by evidence to win the confidence of the potential employer. It could be the testimonials from your previous boss or the letter of recommendation (LOR) from your previous internship, certificates of extracurricular activities you participated in, new skills you learned, the workshop you hosted, etc. Providing such documents makes your resume look more authentic. You should remain abreast of the unique features of a LOR that will certainly prove remarkable success in your life.

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7. Highlight Your Strength And Skills

You should highlight your skills, strengths, and achievements so that they catch the attention of potential employers. If your skills are unique and/or match the demands of the position, then the employers will be more interested in you. But even after having such skills, what’s the point of writing them if they go unnoticed? A resume should tell the employer at a glance that you are the perfect candidate they are looking for.

8. Follow Proper Chronology

The items you put in your resume should be in chronological order. Name and contact information are at the top while the date of updating a resume is at the bottom. Educational details, followed by work experience and internships, should come before your skills, achievements, and interests. Resume Revision Tips to Help Get You Noticed by Potential Employers.

9. Emphasize On Your Achievements

Your achievements should be highlighted and elaborated upon thoroughly. Elaboration should be limited to small sentences and be to the point. If you have a certificate or documents to support your excellence, then attach copies of the same. Here are some important examples that you should look at keenly:

  • If you have done some research, only mention the title of the project, its organization, your role, and its achievement.
  • If you have won a prize in some presentation, just write, for example, I won the XYZ prize from the QPR organization for the ABC presentation.

10. Update And Upgrade Your Resume Regularly

It is the most important exercise that should be done periodically. Keep learning new skills and upgrading yourself. Don’t forget to update them on your resume. These are some tips on how to make your resume stand out.

Apart from the above-mentioned tips, you should always check the requirements of the industry and organization you are applying to. If there are any specific requirements, then make sure your CV adheres to those specific requirements mentioned. The best advice is to keep your digital or online profile updated and ready.

There are several options, like Facebook and LinkedIn, etc., through which you can keep your digital profile visible to potential recruiters. Always update your new assignments and accomplishments online. This will help you not miss any important points in your resume. Also, your potential employers may ask you for the links to your accounts. An updated online profile will interest people in you.

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Conclusion – Write a Resume that Attracts Prospective Employers

Why you should be considered over others is a major concern for every employer. If your resume can convince the potential employer of your promising personality for the job, you are more likely to get it. The resume is an honest reflection of your professional self, so you will go a long way by having an honest approach to it. However, even a slight mistake can leave a bad impression on a potential employer. Therefore, you should be careful with everything you write in your resume to get noticed and stand out from the rest.

Write a resume that attracts prospective employers in no time. Also, resume revision tips to help get you noticed by potential employers.

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